What is brand awareness and why is it so important?

What is brand awareness and why is it so important?

When developing a brand, it is sought that it perfectly covers the need that the target customer wants to cover. But, above all, it is necessary for this to always be his first option, the first one that crosses his mind. 

The term branding awareness refers to just that point; being able to reach an ideal mental ranking with the client. It is when the consumer associates and remembers each of the aspects that the brand offers. Branding awareness also works as an indicator that seeks to measure the way in which the customer reacts to the brand. 

Why is branding awareness important?

A well-known brand in the market and strong with its public adds very interesting advantages for the company. First of all, it will raise the reach of the brand when starting branding and positioning itself to become a well-known brand.

The goal will be to be constantly present in the lives of your target audience, using tools such as digital marketing and advertising. The client will begin to keep the brand in mind until they achieve mental ranking.

When you know how much and how a brand is noticed by the market, it becomes easier to develop a marketing strategy, especially branding or advertising.

Achieving a positive memory of the brand is a huge step that creates bonds that, if done well, are unbreakable. Therefore, brand awareness is the starting point to know how to promote it to the target market.

When the consumer goes in search of a product or service, he may have one, two or more reference brands in his head. If several of the points mentioned above have already been covered, the brand will be on the other side, since it will be that option that the client thought of first. 

This position is valuable and must be worked on and maintained so that the client never forgets the brand.

Tips to increase the Brand Awareness of a brand

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1.Create a unique personality for the brand

This is one of the main branding and brand awareness strategies. It has to focus on the creation of a logo or representative colors that reflect what the brand really is, but above all, what it will always offer: the values ​​it represents and distinguishes. 

2. Do content marketing

Brand awareness is one of the objectives of content marketing. This is the production of content for a specific target audience. Creating relevant content helps a brand create positive perceptions in its readers and become a trusted source that can be recommended.

3.Position the web well

One way to make a company better remembered by the public is by putting it on the first page of online search engines. It begins by implementing an SEO strategy to make the brand, little by little, well positioned in the search results for the keywords relevant to the business.

4.- Prepare a rewards plan

With this, the brand will begin to create a referral network in which word-of-mouth advertising is the mainstay. It’s a very useful strategy, low cost and sometimes it’s free, which is great. That customers talk about the brand is good, that they speak well is better. The rewards plan should make the people invited to try the product not only try it but also recommend it.

5.- Try with the Freemium version 

When the product, company or brand is new, it is difficult for someone to decide to buy it immediately. Consumers are used to trying before paying. The freemium version, the free sample or trial period, is made for that.

Consumers should be allowed to try what it is first and decide for themselves whether they liked it or not and whether they will buy it. If they do not decide to buy it, it is important to ask what it is that has not convinced them completely or why they did not decide to buy.

6.- Use Merchandising

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It has to take advantage of any event, fair, festival or favorable reason in which the brand could be present. Redbull, for example, never misses out on extreme sports events.

Giving pens, key chains, t-shirts, gifts in general will make a large number of people remember more than putting up a banner with a logo. It’s time to create something innovative and memorable that goes according to the situation. 

7. Social Media 

All brands have a unique essence to appropriate. For this reason, only these positive and unique characteristics should be highlighted on social networks. The way in which the brand does things as only the brand knows how to do it!

Brand awareness evaluates the recognition, perceptions, opinions and beliefs of people towards brands. These aspects can change a customer’s purchasing decision. To improve brand awareness, you have to focus on actions that improve your presence and image so that they become part of the target audience’s thoughts.

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